Black life (2)
Black life (2)

Black life (2)

‘You’re not black’ she said to me, as we walked home from school.

I could feel heat spread on my brown face,

Feeling hurt and angry.

Why would she reject me? I am part of this community.

So I passionately, defended my ‘black’ identity.  

She rolled her eyes and with amusement in her voice, spoke over me.

She repeated the words but I refused to accept.

We are the same. Why couldn’t she see that?

I blubbered all the way home,

wanting to convince her, I was like her.



I was young, no older than 10 years of age, but I remember that moment vividly. It’s a pivotal moment in my life because it was the first time I came face to face with an identity crisis.  It was hard for me to comprehend because all I desired was to feel connected. I couldn’t identify with a group, which I believed consisted of the African diaspora. In my mind, because I was African, I was black. And because she was black, she was African. But she didn’t see it that way. She was black, but she was not African. I was African, but not black.